Our Story

Greater Denver CARES
Is part of a national network recognized as a leader in the recruitment, training and engagement of Black mentors. Our programs address the severe shortfall of Black mentors and we are sought after by organizations that look to us for desperately needed and committed volunteers.
Founded by Susan L. Taylor, the National CARES and Greater Denver CARES affiliate mission is to secure and transform the lives of Black children by inspiring, recruiting and mobilizing masses of caring Black men and women to mentor and nourish them.
Our national volunteer affiliate network connects adults to local youth-serving organizations. Group Mentoring focused on the emotional, social and academic development of our children and the wellness of the adults who parent, mentor and educate them
Greater Denver Cares Mentoring Movement offers several innovative programs proven to powerfully and positively change the lives of Black youth and families.
Our vision to is be a nation in which all Black children are loved; have access to quality, culturally competent education; and are supported by well-resourced families and communities living in harmony and guided by faith.
We envision a world in which African American children and their families are deeply rooted in mutual love and the history of Black people, and where they are respected for all that our foreparents withstood and contributed to enrich the United States and the world.